洛城交友 - 男生会员

I am an easy going, caring, gentle person, have dual professions in health related field and in finance. ...


移民自中国,南方人。从事IT业采购工作。职业和收入稳定。无烟酒嗜好。希望遇到属于我的缘份 ...


silence is gold; money is trouble; a husband doesn't mean a house and a house doesn't mean a home; a wife doesn't mean a jewelry and a jewelry doesn't mean a beauty. marriage is a gamble; doesn't matter you win or lose; when game is over, it's just a memory; a beautiful yesterday from a wonderful t ...


我出生于上海,祖习北方。在美国生话十八年,美公民。生活上是多面手,顾家,能干。经历丰富。但不失情趣,是个靠得住的好男人。身体健康。 ...


曾經做過無數的行業,瓷牙師,車輛改裝,電腦程式設計,電視台副控,攝影,導播,現任調酒師 ...


我一窮二白來到這個世上,天給的能量從東到西,在東成家,在西無家,是天賜我重建家園的機會?[重建一,自09年7月23日始拥有片瓦寸地。注08/18] 我小名阿明,1954年6月17日生于大陆沪,[凡見过我的均以为才55岁不足]身高[净] ...


传统:始终相信真爱最可贵;专一:如果真爱一个人,心里决装不下第二人;严谨不失浪漫;儒雅不失阳刚;事业心强但家是第一。追求完美但深知务实才能成功。耿直但也懂园融。懂得也有能力享受生活但不会奢华,会对爱的 ...


真诚,善良,果断,温和.具专业工程技术和商业管理业务.自雇进出贸易公司. ...


I am aI am an easy going nice man. looking for someone to share life toghther 我憧憬的生活是和相愛的人幸福一輩子 ...


I am from Taiwan, a liberal atheist, like to meet people who had studied in US, to chat, to travel, etc. ...


A handsome , nice ,healthy with high educated man , good job ...


一聚一离别 一喜一份悲, 一榻一身卧 一生一梦里。 寻一伙相知 他一会咱一会, 都一般相知 吹一回唱一回。 ...


A well-educated professional man, with good manner. I am an easy-going and open minded guy. I like the good conversation with friends. Looking for the friend to share the happiness and have a good time! ...


hi, want to make new friends and find the love one... I am a businessman, working your own business is a challenge. But, I am very proud of it. ...


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